
Thursday, July 26, 2012

#18 Acceptable Use

Today's mission on my TIS journey is to check out our countie's Acceptable Use Policy and blog about it. Here are some links from the county policy manual that discuss technology Basically many teachers are not aware of what the policy they sign says. Especially if you are using a school computer, you have very little privacy on the machine. Expect any email you write or things you do can be monitored. We have an Acceptable Use Policy that the students sign every year. We keep a copy at the school level and the original goes to the board office. They say they will keep them from year to year but we always get new ones every year. If someone doesn't have one on file, we keep sending them home until we get a signature. We have called home before too to make sure it gets signed. They don't address web 2.0 very much so I figure there will be more on this in an updated policy. Teachers should read this stuff more closely.

1 comment:

  1. Your blog looks great! It is very well organized. I could easily find a "thing" that I wanted to read. Your AUP policy sounds very close to mine, I guess they are all probably very similar. Keep up the good work!
