
Sunday, August 26, 2012

#18 Acceptable Use

Our County recently updated its Acceptable Use Policy. It took me a little while to find it on our webpage. It wasn't in an obvious place. The updated AUP was revised 6/12/12

 I know that our county technology person sends the AUP's out already with the students' names printed on it. Then when they are returned they are put on file at the board office. The homeroom teacher also keeps a copy on file in his/her room. If we have a student without one we send another one and sometimes call the parent to make sure it gets signed. We haven't had anyone not sign it eventually. The students want to use the computers.

 Web 2.0 isn't specifically addressed except that personal social media may not be accessed during the school day.

 Here is the link to our Policy. 

Here is the permission slip that is sent home with the students.

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